Culture générale

Green is the new blue

La suite de cet excellent article sur la conceptualisation des couleurs et leur perception à travers les cultures

Lately, I’ve got colors on the brain. In part I of this post I talked about the common roads that different cultures travel down as they name the colors in their world. And I came across the idea that color names are, in some sense, culturally universal. The way that languages carve up the visual spectrum isn’t arbitrary. Different cultures with independent histories often end up with the same colors in their vocabulary. Of course, the word that they use for red might be quite different – red, rouge, laal, whatever. Yet the concept of redness, that vivid region of the visual spectrum that we associate with fire, strawberries, blood or ketchup, is something that most cultures share.

Culture générale

Blue is the new green

un article aussi intéressant que long sur les couleurs et plus particulièrement leur distinction qui est liée a leur apparition dans le langage.

Spectral Rhythm. Screen Print by Scott Campbell.

In Japan, people often refer to traffic lights as being blue in color. And this is a bit odd, because the traffic signal indicating ‘go’ in Japan is just as green as it is anywhere else in the world. So why is the color getting lost in translation? This visual conundrum has its roots in the history of language.