Google fait un peu de PR et propose de « quitter » Google facilement. Vous téléchargez vos données, et vous supprimez toutes vos infos des serveurs de Google…
Why Google makes it easy to leave Google
By Nate Anderson | Last updated about an hour agoWe profiled Google’s Data Liberation Front when the initiative was first made public last year, but what has Google’s in-house data export team been up to since? Designing stickers, for one thing.
« CAGE FREE DATA, » they proclaim, which sums up the Data Liberation Front’s efforts succinctly. The team’s goal is nothing less than to make it simple for people to leave Google’s many services, taking e-mails, photos, and documents along with them.
Its most recent work has been on Google Docs, which now sports a batch download option. Select the documents you want, click a button, and Google will zip them all into one compressed archive of up to 2GB and mail them to you.On a recent visit to Google’s Chicago office, where the DLF team is based, we sat down with team leader Brian Fitzpatrick to talk more about how and why he wants to make it easy for people to abandon Google’s services.
Via : Ars Technica