Durable Imprégner


Un image vaut mille mots et souvent une infographie vaut plusieurs images.
Peut on mélanger les deux pour donner une idée plus précise, plus frappante, d’une donnée statistique, une quantité par exemple?

En voici une démonstration élégante et effrayante :
Quel travail et surtout quelle exploitation déraisonnée faut il pour un résultat si infime, mais si rentable.

West O’okiep Mine, Okiep
284,000 tons of copper extracted

Photographer Dillon Marsh, whom we have featured earlier, returns with an intriguing photo series that explores the “price” of extracting precious metals and stones from South Africa’s numerous mines.

In his series ‘For What It’s Worth’, Marsh attempted to visualize the amount of copper and diamonds that lay hidden in the mines.

To give a stark visualization of the amount of copper present in the mines, Marsh added computer-generated spheres to his photos.

In contrast, photos that reveal the amount of diamonds present in the mine are almost hidden from sight—its representation is dwarfed by the large holes that were created during the extraction process.

Are you surprised by the sheer amount of precious diamonds and copper “unearthed” by Marsh in his photos? Check out the rest of his photos below.

Nababeep South Mine, Nababeep
302,792 tons of copper extracted

Kimberly Mine
14.5 million carats of diamonds extracted

Close-up of Kimberly Mine, detail showing the total diamond production

Blue Mine, Springbok
3,535 tons of copper extracted

Jagersfontein Mine
9.52 million carats of diamonds extracted

Close-up of Jagersfontein Mine, detail showing the total diamond production

Tweefontein Mine, Concordia
38,748 tons of copper extracted

Jubilee Mine, Concordia
6,500 tons of copper extracted

[via Visual News, Images by Dillon Marsh]

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