iPhone OS 4.0: Apple announces Game Center, a social gaming network for the iPhone

iPhone OS 4.0: Apple announces Game Center, a social gaming network for the iPhone

iPhone OS 4.0: iBooks for iPhone

iPhone OS 4.0: iBooks for iPhone

Perdez votre âme dans les jeux vidéos

Un vendeur en ligne de jeux vidéos ajoute une clause de don de leur âme dans leurs clauses commerciales… Comme personne ne les lit, ils acceptent de donner leur âme! Brillant. Les attentifs sont récompensés d’un bon d’achat de5$…

7,500 shoppers unknowingly sold their soulsApril 6, 2010 4:24 PM275x250.jpgThousands of shoppers unknowingly signed their souls over to a computer-game store after failing to read the terms and conditions on their website.GameStation added the « immortal soul clause » to online purchases earlier this month stating customers granted them the right to claim their soul.While all shoppers during the test were given a simple tick box option to opt out, very few did this, which would have also rewarded them with a £5 voucher.The store claims this show 88 percent of people do not read the terms and conditions of a website before they make a purchase.Bosses also say they will not be enforcing their rights and will now email customers nullifying any claim on their soul.

7,500 shoppers unknowingly sold their souls – Odd News | newslite.tv

Le MoMA acquiert l’arobase…

MoMA acquires the @ symbol 

MoMA acquires the @ symbol

Le départment d’Architecture et de design du MoMA a procédé à l’acquisition symbolique de l’arobase.

The acquisition of @ takes one more step. It relies on the assumption that physical possession of an object as a requirement for an acquisition is no longer necessary, and therefore it sets curators free to tag the world and acknowledge things that "cannot be had" — because they are too big (buildings, Boeing 747’s, satellites), or because they are in the air and belong to everybody and to no one, like the @ — as art objects befitting MoMA’s collection. The same criteria of quality, relevance, and overall excellence shared by all objects in MoMA’s collection also apply to these entities.

iPhone 4.0

Un nouvel iPhone ce soir et vraisemblablement un upgrade d’iPhone OS…

Apple announces iPhone 4.0 event for Thursday

Apple plans to take the wraps off iPhone OS 4.0 this Thursday, April 8 during a special media event in Cupertino. The event will take place at 10am Pacific Time on Apple’s campus, giving a « sneak peek » into the future of the iPhone OS.

The company has made a tradition of unveiling the next major iteration of the iPhone operating system every spring. Since the event is only a few days away, there’s not much time for rampant speculation, but you can be sure to catch coverage of the announcements here at Ars. (Update: Yes, we’ll be covering it live!)

Blogged with the Flock Browser

quake inside


Quake dans safari et chrome… nativement… un peu de java, un peu de html 5…

Pas assez cher mon fils

l’iPad, trop cher?
Que dire alors de l’iPad en diamants?

Economic hardship? What’s that? If the recession affected you as much as it did that rock on your villa grounds, have I got an iPad for you. For a mere US$20,000 you can order the Diamond iPad.

The 64GB 3G iPad is modded by Mervis Diamond Importers and features 11.43 carats of diamonds set in a micro-pave styling. If you’re the kind of guy that wants to one-up the friend who’s always bragging about the latest tech he got on launch day, this is how you do it.

Besides, is $20,000 that much? Not when you compare it to the $3.2 million dollar gold iPhone. And the Diamond iPad’s screen is so much larger…

Still not enough for you? Check out the gold-plated MacBook Air (a mere $5,000) and MacBook Pro ($1,200).

[via SiliconAlleyInsider]


Avec de vrais morceaux de yakuzas dedans…

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Paris 26 Gigapixels

Une façon très photographique de visiter Paris… via sa plus grande photo : Paris 26 Gigapixels – Visite virtuelle interactive des plus beaux monuments de Paris

Un aperçu de l’ailleurs

Voici un miroir très poétique, laissant entrevoir le possible.Glimpse

Dur de perdre mais long à finir

Un chouette petit jeu en flash, un poil psychédélique

???????? | wonderfl build flash online

Alcohol inside

Un nouveau moyen efficace et très féminin de se pinter la tête : aborber de l’alcool via un tampon hygiénique…

Apparemment très efficace et relativement peu dangereux, ce classique colombien devient la nouvelle mode en Europe!


 Teenage Girls Getting Drunk Off Booze Soaked Tampons | YouBentMyWookie