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Disney’s Ages

Vous piochez dans quel âge pour vos loulous?

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A Company Copes With Backlash Against the Raise That Roared –

Un patron américain augmente (méchamment) le salaire minimum dans son entreprise : les États-Unis se demandent comment cela fonctionne, son frère co-fondateur l’attaque en justice, les employés les mieux payés quittent l’entreprise… Mais ça marche.

Gravity team


Three months ago, Mr. Price, 31, announced he was setting a new minimum salary of $70,000 at his Seattle credit card processing firm, Gravity Payments, and slashing his own million-dollar pay package to do it. He wasn’t thinking about the current political clamor over low wages or the growing gap between rich and poor, he said. He was just thinking of the 120 people who worked for him and, let’s be honest, a bit of free publicity. The idea struck him when a friend shared her worries about paying both her rent and student loans on a $40,000 salary. He realized a lot of his own employees earned that or less.

Yet almost overnight, a decision by one small-business man in the northwestern corner of the country became a swashbuckling blow against income inequality.

The move drew attention from around the world — including from some outspoken skeptics and conservatives like Rush Limbaugh, who smelled a socialist agenda — but most were enthusiastic. Talk show hosts lined up to interview Mr. Price. Job seekers by the thousands sent in résumés. He was called a “thought leader.” Harvard business professors flew out to conduct a case study. Third graders wrote him thank-you notes. Single women wanted to date him.

Lo vi en A Company Copes With Backlash Against the Raise That Roared –

Non classé

Terminator est kawaï

Nao est le visage plus sexy d’un skynet prenant conscience :

3 robots Nao participent à une expérience. 2 sont rendus muets. On leur demande lequel des 3 robots est encore capable de parole : le robot encore loquace répond qu’il ne sait pas avant de prendre consience de sa propre parole et donc de se corriger et d’indiquer qu’il est le robot pouvant

The robots were programed to think that two of them had been given a “dumbing pill” that would make them unable to speak (actually just a button that silenced them). However, they didn’t know exactly which two of them had been silenced. When the robots were asked to answer which two had been given the pill, all of them tried to respond: “I don’t know.” Since only one was actually able to utter the words, it heard its own voice and recognized it wasn’t among the two who had been silenced. That robot then responded: “Sorry, I know now. I was able to prove that I was not given a dumbing pill.”

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Non classé

En 2015, le travail tue encore

Produits chimiques, cancers professionnels, mutation des organisations, poursuites judiciaires ou encore rôle de la science : la nouvelle édition des Risques du travail dresse en quelque 600 pages le panorama de la santé des travailleurs d’aujourd’hui. Trente ans après la première version, cet état des lieux fait froid dans le dos, tant il démontre combien le travail peut gravement nuire à la santé. Un risque rendu aujourd’hui largement invisible par le recours massif à la sous-traitance. 

via Mediapart (Paywall)


« dismantle patriarchy, one rainbow kitten at a time »


In the great tradition of Tumblr mash-up memes, Feminist Lisa Frank juxtaposes neon animals and quotes by Gloria Steinem, Shonda Rhimes, and more. Read the rest

via Boing Boing


La mode : la retouche

6 heures de retouches en 90 secondes

Lo vi en Konbini France


Exit Sandman

Enter Sandman joué à l’envers, lu à l’endroit!

Lo vi en Enter Sandman played live backwards

Non classé

Heavy Metal Brands

Prenez une marque, appliquez la charte graphique d’un groupe de métal, secouez… C’est prêt!


Via Team Cornett » Heavy Metal Brands

Culture générale

Tourne à gauche… A GAUCHE!

Défi : utiliser un vélo qui tourne à droite quand on tourne le guidon à gauche et inversement.

Problème : une fois ce vélo maîtrisé (longtemps après), le cerveau s’est corrigé et a modifié complètement les réflexes de l’utilisateur.
Et le vélo : ça ne s’oublie pas.

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Euh… Penser

Evolution et religion dans les classes du Kentucky

I was originally reluctant to take my job at the university when offered it 20 years ago. It required teaching three sections of nonmajors biology classes, with 300 students per section, and as many as 1,800 students each year. I wasn’t particularly keen on lecturing to an auditorium of students whose interest in biology was questionable given that the class was a freshman requirement.

Then I heard an interview with the renowned evolutionary biologist E.O. Wilson in which he addressed why, as a senior professor—and one of the most famous biologists in the world—he continued to teach nonmajors biology at Harvard. Wilson explained that nonmajors biology is the most important science class that one could teach. He felt many of the future leaders of this nation would take the class and that this was the last chance to convey to them an appreciation for biology and science. Moved by Wilson’s words, and with the knowledge that Funkhouser once held the job I was now contemplating, I accepted the position. The need to do well was unnerving, however, considering that if I failed as a teacher, a future Scopes might leave my class uninspired.

I realized early on that many instructors teach introductory biology classes incorrectly. Too often evolution is the last section to be taught, an autonomous unit at the end of the semester. I quickly came to the conclusion that, since evolution is the foundation upon which all biology rests, it should be taught at the beginning of a course, and as a recurring theme throughout the semester. My basic biology for nonmajors became evolution for nonmajors. It didn’t take long before I started to hear from a vocal minority of students who strongly objected: “I am very offended by your lectures on evolution! Those who believe in creation are not ignorant of science! You had no right to try and force evolution on us. Your job was to teach it as a theory and not as a fact that all smart people believe in!!” And: “Evolution is not a proven fact. It should not be taught as if it is. It cannot be observed in any quantitative form and, therefore, isn’t really science.”

Via en – source : slate


Ghost in the shell arrive. Sans la métaphysique.

Mieux qu’un iphone : un bras bionique. Et mettable à jour par smartphone.

Iron Man isn’t the only one 3D-printing artificial limbs these days. But unlike the mechanical hand delivered by Robert Downey Jr, this recently unveiled prosthetic from Japanese manufacturer Exiii costs just $300 and leverages your mobile device’s computing power to act just like the real thing. The Ghost in the Shell future we’ve between waiting for came took a step closer to reality.

Via Engadget


Carte du monde : Où se passent les dessins animés ?


Retrouvez des tonnes d’articles aussi passionnants que Carte du monde : Où se passent les dessins animés ?, sur Geek Dad Power!.

via Halcyon maps