
Bleriot peux aller se rhabiller désormais 

Comment plier le meilleur avion en papier possible, avec un modèle qui détient le record du monde de distance en vol.

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Les chansons les plus populaires aux États-Unis de 1840 à 2013

Une énorme compilation qui regroupe toutes les chansons les plus populaires aux États-Unis de 1840 à 2013, année par année.

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Chanson sans aspérité 

According to a marketing study conducted by Dr. David Lewis-Hodgson, the most relaxing song in the world is Weightless, by ambient band Marconi Union. The song was produced by the band in collaboration with the British Academy of Sound Therapy.

The song makes use of many musical principles that have been shown to individually have a calming effect. By combining these elements in the way Marconi Union have has created the perfect relaxing song. The study found this to be the world’s most relaxing song. It contains a sustaining rhythm that starts at 60 beats per minute and gradually slows to around 50. While listening, your heart rate gradually comes to match that beat.

Many songs were tested and found to relax the participants, but Weightless stood out:

In fact, listening to that one song — “Weightless” — resulted in a striking 65 percent reduction in participants’ overall anxiety, and a 35 percent reduction in their usual physiological resting rates.

This is a “neuromarketing” study conducted on behalf of a company that makes bubble bath and shower gel so grain of salt and all that, but it is a remarkably relaxing song. Here’s a Spotify playlist of ten of the most relaxing songs from the study:

And right now I’m listening to this 10-hour version of Weightless on YouTube:

Awwwww. Much better than the Black Mirror music from this morning.

Tags: David Lewis-Hodgson   Marconi Union   music   video

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Euh… Technologie

Un robot industriel qui fait de tatouages

Pierre-Emmanuel Meunier et Johan da Silveira ont créé une machine qui utilise un bras de robot industriel et des techniques d’impression 3D pour réaliser des tatouages sur des gens.

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