
Le plastique c’est fantastique… en briques

L’ingénieur en matériaux Nzambi Matee a créé une entreprise dans son pays natal, le Kenya, qui fabrique des briques de pavage à partir de déchets plastiques et de sable, qui sont moins chères, plus solides et plus durables que le béton ou des briques similaires. Pour ses efforts, Matee a été nommée Jeune Champion de la Terre par les Nations Unies.

Matee, who majored in material science and worked as an engineer in Kenya’s oil industry, was inspired to launch her business after routinely coming across plastic bags strewn along Nairobi’s streets.

In 2017, Matee quit her job as a data analyst and set up a small lab in her mother’s back yard. There, she began creating and testing pavers, which are a combination of plastic and sand. The neighbours complained about the noisy machine she was using, so Matee pleaded for one year’s grace to develop the right ratios for her paving bricks.

“I shut down my social life for a year, and put all my savings into this,” she said. “My friends were worried.”