Euh… Penser Technologie

Oubliée la fiche S

IDI a centralisé toutes les banques de données disponibles sur les citoyens américains en fusionnant les immatriculations, les ports d’armes, les entreprises et les habitudes d’achats sur sites de coupons…
Ils ont littéralement une fiche par habitants des États-Unis… et les vendent aux inspecteurs privés.

Every move you make. Every click you take. Every game you play. Every place you stay. They’ll be watching you.

Source : This Company Has Built a Profile on Every American Adult – Bloomberg

Euh… Technologie

Big Festival Brother?

L’été approche avec tout ses festivals. Une bonne occasion pour partager de bons moments et… ses datas personnelles. 

En Angleterre, la police utilise des logiciels de reconnaissance faciale à l’entrée des festivals pour identifier des criminels potentiels. Pendant ce temps les organisateurs partagent sans vergogne toutes vos données personnelles avec leurs applications. 

quote [It’s May and the sun is finally out after a long British winter. For many that means one thing: festival season.
It’s a good occasion to disconnect from technology, go off the grid and enjoy a few days of carefree excitement. Or not. Along with booze, music and mud — a lot of mud — British festivals may have another feature: mass surveillance.]

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Euh… Vidéo

Les fins améliorées par Dire Strait

Tous les films se terminent bien quand ils finissent sur « Walk of life » de Dire Strait


It is the assertion of The Walk of Life Project that the Dire Straits song Walk of Life is the perfect thing to play at the end of movies. I have watched more than a dozen of these and they are all great, but I pic

Source : Dire Straits’ Walk of Life improves every movie

Durable Euh…


Et si on lâchait une bombe thermonucléaire pour de rire? Sur antony par exemple? Qui passerait à la casserole atomique? Un p’tit Fallout ?

Voir même les effets de la bombe du Tsar :

NUKEMAP is a Google Maps mash-up that calculates the effects of the detonation of a nuclear bomb.

Source : NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein


I Don’t Owe You

Euh… Penser

Evolution et religion dans les classes du Kentucky

I was originally reluctant to take my job at the university when offered it 20 years ago. It required teaching three sections of nonmajors biology classes, with 300 students per section, and as many as 1,800 students each year. I wasn’t particularly keen on lecturing to an auditorium of students whose interest in biology was questionable given that the class was a freshman requirement.

Then I heard an interview with the renowned evolutionary biologist E.O. Wilson in which he addressed why, as a senior professor—and one of the most famous biologists in the world—he continued to teach nonmajors biology at Harvard. Wilson explained that nonmajors biology is the most important science class that one could teach. He felt many of the future leaders of this nation would take the class and that this was the last chance to convey to them an appreciation for biology and science. Moved by Wilson’s words, and with the knowledge that Funkhouser once held the job I was now contemplating, I accepted the position. The need to do well was unnerving, however, considering that if I failed as a teacher, a future Scopes might leave my class uninspired.

I realized early on that many instructors teach introductory biology classes incorrectly. Too often evolution is the last section to be taught, an autonomous unit at the end of the semester. I quickly came to the conclusion that, since evolution is the foundation upon which all biology rests, it should be taught at the beginning of a course, and as a recurring theme throughout the semester. My basic biology for nonmajors became evolution for nonmajors. It didn’t take long before I started to hear from a vocal minority of students who strongly objected: “I am very offended by your lectures on evolution! Those who believe in creation are not ignorant of science! You had no right to try and force evolution on us. Your job was to teach it as a theory and not as a fact that all smart people believe in!!” And: “Evolution is not a proven fact. It should not be taught as if it is. It cannot be observed in any quantitative form and, therefore, isn’t really science.”

Via en – source : slate

Euh… Penser Technologie

Hacker le cerveau pour influer sur les décisions.

Le rêve de tout marketer, chaîne de télé ou dictateur (rayer la mention inutile) va se réaliser : des scientifiques ont piraté le cerveaux de macaques (nos plus proches cousins) et leur ont fait changer d’avis lors de prises de décision.
Pas encore un risque immédiat, la procédure passant par une opération chirurgicale mais déjà le scientifique de s’inquiéter du danger de cette procédure.

A rhesus macaque. Image: Peter Nijenhuis/Flickr

While your brain should still be safe from hackers for some time yet, a new study, in which macaques had their choices controlled by electrical impulses, adds to a growing body of work that suggests brains can be manipulated with a surprising degree of precision.

Using electrodes implanted in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), a region deep in the brain associated with the reward circuitry of the brain, researchers were able to fundamentally influence the decision making of macaques. The work was published today in Current Biology.

The study, conducted by a joint team from KU Leuven in Belgium, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard Medical School, consisted first of an A/B test in which macaques were shown a pair of images, and their preference for one or the other recorded. Some monkeys might prefer a picture of a ball, others a star, but in any case, the research team was able to glean a baseline preference for each individual.

Then came the big test: Could electrical microstimulation affect the results? Indeed, by applying small, regular electrical impulses to the VTA, the team "was capable of selectively reinforcing and motivating behavior during operant and Pavlovian conditioning paradigms." In other words, after flipping the switch, macaques that preferred image A picked image B, and vice versa.

I asked Wim Vanduffel, a co-author of the report, if the results suggest that electronically-controlled decision making is possible, to which he emailed, "Certainly so!"

The team used fMRI imaging to guide implantation of the electrodes.

"The data show that the preference of the monkeys changes quite dramatically," he wrote. "The effect was slightly larger in the first compared to the third animal, likely because of the positioning of the electrodes (but that is speculation)."

Of course, it’s more complex than simply plugging a wire into a monkey’s brain and controlling what it does. For one, the team, led by John Arsenault, still had to convince the macaques to actually go along with the game, which meant adding in an additional juice reward; the animals didn’t suddenly turn into robots.

"Indeed, we could not have the monkey ‘work’ for microstimulation alone," Vanduffel wrote. "In other words, to reinforce the operant behavior we used an additional reinforcer (juice)."

And lest you fear that your brain could be taken over by someone on the street, the effect of electrical stimulation on decision making requires the extremely precise placement of electrodes deep into the brain—something not likely to happen without you knowing.

"The targeting itself is probably ‘ever lasting’: once the electrodes are in the right locations (and if there are no complications), they probably will work for long periods of time," Vanduffel wrote. "The critical issue is to reach a sufficiently large number of VTA neurons. So positioning is very important—and not trivial."

Postoperative image confirming the planting of electroding in the VTA, deep in the brain.

I particularly like the way Vanduffel put it in a release, saying, "Of course, there is also a potential danger here: The method could be used maliciously to manipulate a person’s brain remotely without his knowledge. But as yet, there is no reason to worry. Non-invasive, high-precision methods for stimulating deep brain centers are not yet available."

Regardless, it’s more evidence that stimulating the brain is indeed possible. Previous work has focused on optical stimulation, including particularly futuristic research into controlling mice brains with lasers. Deep brain stimulation is already used in humans, but not with the direct decision-making effects of the most recent study. 

Perhaps the closest to the brain hacking concept—albeit for good—is DARPA’s interest in developing brain stimulation therapies for treating brain trauma, including PTSD. So while we’re a ways off from worrying about people hijacking our brains or an offshoot from the Matrix scenario, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that the brain’s electrical processes can be manipulated with a fine degree of precision—and, one day, we may even be able to copy them.

"We’ve known for a long time that the ‘working of the brain’ can be reduced to the electrical activity of neurons," Vanduffel said. "If one were able to ‘mimick’ this artificially, one would have a working brain. Obviously, this is purely hypothetical since it seems impossible to mimick ~100 billion neurons, and many more connections between them."

Regardless, that we can tap into the electrical systems of the brain means a future where we can regulate our brains with more control than we can imagine now. It’s an area with huge potential for treatment of neurological disorders, as electrical implants could perhaps act with more precision than pharmacological treatmeants—just as long as they don’t get hacked.

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Caféine en salière.

Pour améliorer son repas déjà accompagné de redbull : de la caféine à saupoudrer comme du sel, histoire de rester « actif ».
Même une salade devient énergétique!

Ever eaten a salad and thought "wow, this lettuce is nice, but I sure wish it gave me a buzz, too?" Well, wonder no longer: CaffeinAll is here to turn anything and everything into an Energy Food™.

Powdered caffeine has been around for a minute, but CafeinAll, a new product from the folks over at Caffex (who brought us caffeinated marshmallows), promises to be something different. The particularly brazen idea, essentially, is to turn all foods into Red Bull replacements. 

Let Caffex explain. No, really. Let them explain from the beginning, like the, very beginning. The product’s explanatory video literally starts with the line "this is Earth," which you’ll learn is a planet where a type of living thing known as humans live and have created something known as the internet. You might have heard of it. And now, humans not unlike those who created the internet and skyscrapers have also created "the world’s only odorless, non bitter, take-with-you-anywhere, use with anything caffeine powder."

"Now any of your foods or drinks can become high powered energy foods," as opposed to being that stamina-sapping waste of time you’ve grown used to.

Here, I’ve done some math:

  • Strawberry + CaffeinAll = Energy Strawberry
  • Marshmallow + CaffeinAll = Energy Marshmallow 
  • Steak + CaffeinAll = Energy Steak
  • Peanut + CaffeinAll = Energy Peanut
  • Cocaine + CaffeinAll = Moderation
  • Palcohol + CaffeinAll = Big No-No ("NEVER Mix Caffeine and Alcohol!" Caffex explains)

"You know what the cool thing about energy drinks is? You get energy! You know what sucks? You spend a small fortune on these beverages and are usually left with a cracked out sugar hangover and upset stomach," a publicity firm for Caffex said to me in an email. "Want energy popping pancakes in the morning? Energy infused granola bars? Want to see your lunch salad take off like a rocket? How about a protein shake guaranteed to motivate your ass at the gym? All of this is possible with CaffeinAll."

You get the idea. 

CaffeinAll isn’t even a new thing—it has been around since last year, but the goal of selling this in a salt shaker is a new idea. The company has launched an IndieGoGo campaign to help them with the new packaging. And, to be fair, Caffex isn’t the only company trying to find new ways to get you to take caffeine. Remember that caffeinated toothbrush patent? And there’s any number of others ways to get your fix.

In any case, literally advocating that people turn anything they want into that thing + caffeine seems somehow, I don’t know, crazy? 

And, really, why mess with putting it on food at all? It’s an odorless white powder, and caffeine goes "directly to your bloodstream" as one of its creators, "Steve," explains in the video. What happens if you snort it?

"It would wake your ass up immediately," the company’s spokesperson told me.

When eating it, "one shake does the trick for a lot of people. But, if you’re a deadline driven writing rockstar who is used to consuming large amounts of caffeine than it might take two or three shakes. Start with one," he told me. "I would wait on the snorting."

 Anyways, have at it, folks. Be careful out there.

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Euh… Penser

Bon esprit olympique

Les jeux olympiques sont encore une fois, une exaltation des possibles et la preuve que l’on peux avancer ensemble…
Nan je déconne! En plus d’être cette fois ci des jeux d’une morale anti homo nauséabonde, C’est aussi et toujours la grande victoire du capitalisme.

Après les jeux de Londres où les charcutiers ne pouvaient pas confectionner des anneaux olympiques avec des saucisses, oú la vente de frites autre que Mc Donald était interdite, après ceux de Pékin où le contrôle de l’image était à son paroxysme, voici ceux de Sotchi dont on ne pourra parler sans être accrédité.

Si vous prévoyez de vous rendre à Sotchi pour les Jeux Olympiques d’hiver 2014, oubliez toute idée de diffuser sur Twitter la photo de la chute d’un patineur sur glace, ou de publier sur YouTube les coulisses d’une course de bobsleigh. Les spectateurs ont l’obligation contractuelle de ne rien montrer sur Internet de ce qu’ils vivent sur place.

[Lire la suite]

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Paye ta shnek

Où s’arrête la drague, où commence le harcèlement… La frontière est floue mais est allègrement dépassée régulièrement… Classy

Mademoiselle, excusez moi, est-ce que je peux me permettre d’être audacieux ?

Hey ! Sois polie ! Tu pourrais répondre quand je te dis bonsoir, sale pute !


Euh… Illustration

Famous Queen

Des portraits sympathiques de Freddie Mercury en … reine… Marie-Antoinette ou Elisabeth II, voir Queen Latifah… Extravaganza…



Elisabeth II



Beatrix / Queerty.


Couleur et gourmandise

Photo|Graphic project, the Choctone, chocolate tone of Pantone colour chart.

C for choclate, N for nuts, H for Honney, G for Grape
