Jeux vidéo

Le plus vieux jeu-vidéo du monde

Le plus vieux jeu-vidéo du monde est égyptien?

 The Hunting of Ducks

Ride ze Shoopuf? — The Hunting of Ducks.


Pistaches premium – emballage éco

Pourquoi ne voit on pas cela dans les rayons de nos magasins : un emballage à 90 cents qui doit en paraître plus et être écologique… A quand la fin de l’alu et du plastique?

emballage à 99c

This goal of the project was to create packaging for a product that would cost only 99 cents, doing so in a manner that would make it appear to be worth more than its cost.

In this 99 cents worth of pistachios, Oneighty presents a great snack both in taste and health. The name Oneighty, the ideal heart rate, gives hint to the complete turn around you can find in this nutrient-dense snack. Break the seal. Crack it open. Pour the nuts, and make a friend as you use the shell itself as a serving bowl.

Student Spotlight: Oneighty Pistachios – The Dieline: The World’s #1 Package Design Website –.


Se tapper l’affiche

Comment designer une affiche de cinéma de nos jours? C’est très simple :

so you want to be a modern poster designer?, originally uploaded by Dr. Monster.

thanks for following the link and checking out my annoyed rant on poster design…
please stay, look around and see my REAL art…i even sell my own poster designs of classic movies, etc at